Exclusion: Beyond the Silence


Exclusion: Beyond the Silence is a documentary that reveals the human impact of a discriminatory immigration policy that caused lasting intergenerational trauma to Chinese Canadians, their culture and family life.

It is the story of two granddaughters, Keira Loughran and Helen Lee, who set out to examine the legacy of their grandmothers – women who fought for reunification of Chinese Canadian families and helped pave the way for Canada’s policy of multiculturalism.

It’s an extraordinary untold story which serves as a timely reminder of the struggle, sacrifice and the contribution made by countless Chinese Canadians to the fabric of this country.

《排华法案》之百年沉默 这部长篇纪录片,揭示了加拿大“排华法案”这种歧视性移民政策对华人的深远影响。该政策造成加拿大的华裔家庭几代人的生活的创伤。影片讲述了林宝珠(Keira Loughran)和 李海伦(Helen Lee)的寻根之旅。她们的祖母林黄彩珍(Jean Lumb)和林煥喜(Foon Hay Lum)用他们那一代人华裔女性的不屈不挠精神,为加拿大华裔家庭再团聚奋力抗争,并成功的废除了《排华法案》。为加拿大华裔社区的繁荣稳定奠定了永久根基。并为加拿大的平权多元文化政策树立了历史丰碑。

Running Time: 88 minutes

Languages: English & Cantonese with English subtitles 

(Cantonese and Mandarin versions available in Spring 2025)

Director: Keira Loughran   

Produced by: Craig Thompson   

Executive Producers: Craig Thompson, Wei Hu, Justin Poy, Peter Raymont.

Produced by: Ballinran Entertainment with the participation of Telus, Knowledge Network, Rogers OMNI, YES TV, Canada Media Fund, Rogers Documentary Fund, Ontario Creates and the Government of Canada Film and Television Tax Credits. 

Community Screening Partner: ALTEC GLOBAL INC.


NEW: Save the Date – Exclusion: Beyond the Silence to be released in cinemas across Canada!

Details: Cineplex is releasing Exclusion: Beyond the Silence in select cinemas across Canada on Friday May 2nd, Saturday May 3rd and Wednesday May 5th. Visit Cineplex.com to see the showtimes and purchase tickets in your area. Tickets go on sale March 28th, 2025. 

Please note:  The film is presented in English in most locations. However, select cinemas in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal will offer the film in English with Chinese subtitles.

Join our other valued sponsors in supporting this important film.

If you or your company would like to become a sponsor of our national screening program, please contact Justin Poy – jpoy@justinpoy,com

Our community screenings campaign is designed to raise awareness of this forgotten chapter of Chinese Canadian history and to build bridges between cultures.

We welcome enquiries from organizations and community groups interested in hosting a screening of Exclusion: Beyond the Silence in their local area.

If you are interested in hosting a screening, please fill out the form here

Q: Exclusion: Beyond the Silence is available on a broadcast channel or streaming platform that I subscribe to. Can I show the film to my group?
A: No.  Streaming and broadcast copies are for personal and home use only and not permitted for public exhibition.  The film is protected under Canada’s Copyright Act and as such, any screening for a group requires the purchase of public performance rights.

Q: What is the definition of a public performance?
A: A public performance is any screening of a film on any pre-recorded medium which occurs outside of the home, or at any place where people are gathered who are not family members, such as in a school, library, auditorium, classroom or meeting room.

Q: How do I get access to a screening copy of the film?
A: We offer two screening formats: an encrypted hard drive (shipping charges apply) or an on-line screening link (reliable Internet connection is recommended).

Q: What technology do I need to show the film?
A: You will need a laptop connected to a projector, a projection screen and speakers. If you don’t have projection capabilities, you can show the film on a large television screen, connected directly to the computer.

Q: What are the costs to purchase a licence to show the film?
A: The licensing costs depend on the nature of your screening and your organization.

Community Group Rate:  This licence is for all nonprofit community organizations to show the film on one occasion to any kind of public or private gathering that is not a school, library or educational institution. Community screenings must be free-of-charge to those in attendance. Ticketed events are only permitted in collaboration with the distributor of the film and are subject to an additional fee based on a percentage of box office sales.  Multiple screenings of the film are not permitted. Licence Fee: $500* 

Educational Licence: We offer two tiers of educational licensing:

  1. K-12/Public Library: $1.50/per student with a minimum charge of $375.00 whichever is greater.*
  2. Academic (Colleges and Universities):  $2.50/per student with a minimum charge of $500.00 whichever is greater.* This license is for all higher educational institutions, including public and private colleges, universities, community colleges, graduate schools, and advanced degree programs.  If you are a professor, librarian, or administrator at one of these institutions, the pricing above would apply.

Business Screenings: If you require a licence to show the film for any type of private or public gathering that is not an educational institution, library or community group, the licence fee* is determined on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out for details.

*Plus applicable taxes, shipping & handling. Maximum fee of $1,500 per screening. A volume discount is available upon request. Contact action@ballinran.com for more details. 

Q: What graphic and visual assets do you provide for our screening?
A: As part of each licence, we provide a link to our digital branding assets which include social media guidelines, sample social media posts, images and film details. All community screenings must utilize our branding assets for their event and include social media tags and links.

Q: Can the filmmakers attend our event?
A: We would be pleased to customize a speaking engagement or discussion at your event either in person or virtually via Zoom. Additional costs would apply. 

For any further questions, please contact action@ballinran.com

We would appreciate any input you have on the documentary and always welcome reviews. 

For audience feedback. please fill out this survey: https://forms.gle/kfPA4WArp6FUxJLk7  

To provide a review/rating, go to our IMDB page for this film by visiting: http://bit.ly/3VDFLuu 

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